New Year’s Resolutions

I really meant to keep up the blog.  Really I did.

Then life happened.

I got a promotion at work, which meant I was working full rather than part time and still going to school, so things fell by the wayside a bit.  But I’m back baby!  Sorry for the long absence.  I’m still working and going to school, but things have calmed down a bit, so hopefully I’ll be able to keep up the blog.  If not, mea culpa.

I have two new year’s resolutions this year: keep the house cleaner and go dancing once a week.

On the house cleaning front, I have created a comprehensive chore list and programmed it into my and my husband’s google calendars.  We each have light morning chores–I make the bed, he puts a load of laundry in the washer, we each wipe down a bathroom sink and toilet, he feeds the cats, and I feed the chickens and collect eggs.  In the evenings he puts the laundry in the dryer, I fold it, we clean up the kitchen together, and we each declutter one of the main living spaces.  On top of that, we each do one weekly chore per day (we trade off every week).  So far I’ve managed to keep up with it–our bed hasn’t been made this often since…umm…ever.  This morning I even managed to do it with a cat on top!


As far as dancing once a week, I’m planning to go on Tuesday.  I miss it and I am sorely out of practice, so hopefully I’ll make the time to keep going!

On the food front, I made really really good pulled pork in the crockpot today.  With our busy schedules, I am going to need to utilize that appliance way more often.